Sunday, June 12, 2011

Purwakarta Now

Purwakarta Regent, H. Dedi Mulyadi, SH beautifying of Purwakarta City. He has repair Situ Buleud "Heart of The City" become comfortable for sport in the sunday morning. Besides for sport, Situ Buleud can also for recreation. He has made Situ Buleud as a garden city with a garden chair and garden lighting. Patung Badak, syimbol of Situ Buleud placed in crossroads.

Gate of Situ Buleud
Other Gate of Situ Buleud
Other Gate of Situ Buleud (2)
Garden of Situ Buleud
Garden Light (2)
Garden Light
Situ Buleud (1)
Situ Buleud (2)
Situ Buleud (3)
Rest After Jogging
Sport in Situ Buleud

Recreation with Family

Center of Situ Buleud
Goverment Office
Front of Goverment Office

Playing in the garden
Patung Badak, Symbol of Situ Buleud (1)

Patung Badak, Symbol of Situ Buleud (2)

Patung Badak, Symbol of Situ Buleud (3)
Besides Rhino Statue, Purwakarta Regent also makes puppet statue that placed in other crossroads.

Patung Arjuna in front of Telkom Office
Patung Kiansantang in front of Purwakarta Station

Gedung Kembar Nakula Sadewa in Purwakarta Station (1)

Gedung Kembar Nakula Sadewa in Purwakarta Station (2)

Gedung Kembar Nakula Sadewa in Purwakarta Station (3)

Gedung Kembar Nakula Sadewa in Purwakarta Station (4)

Semarak Purwakarta Ngagowes 2011

 Today 12 June 2011 in Purwakarta City has been organized " Semarak Purwakarta Nga'Gowes 2011 " in order Anniversary 65th Kodam III/Siliwangi, Anniversary 180th Purwakarta and Anniversary 43rd Kabupaten Purwakarta in front of Gedung Kembar on Singawinata Street.

 This event is followed 4000 participant who is not only from Purwakarta but also from Subang, Karawang and Bandung Barat. The participant who is winning will receive prize such as a car, motorcycle, refrigerators and tv. Semarak Purwakarta Nga'Gowes 2011 Opened by Purwakarta Regent H. Dedi Mulyadi, SH.

Participant to Exchange Tickets (1)
Participant to Exchane Ticket (2)

 There are participant with unique bicycle and unique clothes.

Participant with unique bicycle from Tasikmalaya (1)
Participant with unique bicycle from Tasikmalaya (2)
Participant with unique clothes.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Chronological History
• Before the period of colonization
Local Governance In the Era Before Dutch colonization
Purwakarta existence is inseparable from the history of the struggle against the forces VOC. Around the beginning of the 17th century Mataram Sultan sent an army led by the Regent of Surabaya and West Java. One aim is to subdue the Sultan of Banten. But in a way that clashed with VOC forces had to withdraw.
After the second expedition was sent back from the troops under the command of Mataram Dipati Ukur and suffered the same fate. To prevent territorial expansion of the Company (VOC), the Sultan of Mataram sent Penembahan Galuh (Ciamis) named RAA Wirasuta the title Duke or Duke Panatayuda Kertabumi III to occupy Rangkas Sumedang (Eastside Citarum). It also set up defenses in Tanjungpura, Adiarsa, Parakansapi and Kuta game. After the fort was founded Kertabumi III Duke then returned to Galuh and died. Name Rangkas Sumedang itself turned into Karachi since the marshy condition of the area (Sunda: "Karawaan").
Sultan Agung of Mataram and then raised the son of Duke Kertabumi III, the Duke of Kertabumi IV into Dalem (Regent) in Donegal, in the Year 1656. Duke Kertabumi IV is also known as Panembahan Singaperbangsa or grandparent gig, with the capital in the manly workable medication-manly workable medication.
In the reign of R. Anom Wirasuta Panembahan Singaperbangsa son who holds RAA I Panatayuda between Year 1679 and 1721 the capital city of manly workable medication-manly workable medication Falkirk moved to Falkirk, with the local authority covering the area between Cihoe (Trade Agreement) and CIPUNAGARA. Karawang regency government ended around the year 1811-1816 as a result of switching control of the Dutch East Indies from the Dutch Government to the British Government.

• The period of colonization
Local Governance in the Dutch colonization period
Between the years 1819-1826 the Dutch government to break away from the British Government which was marked by efforts to return the authority of the Regents to the Governor-General Van der Capellen. Thus the Karawang regency revived around 1820, covers an area of ​​land located in the eastern time Citarum / Cibeet and west of the times CIPUNAGARA. In this case except Onder Gandasoli District, now District Plered the time including Bandung regency. As a Regent I revived Karawang regency appointed RAA Surianata from Bogor by title Dalem Pupils who then chose the capital of the district in Wanayasa.
In the reign of Regents R.A. Suriawinata or Dalem Sholawat, in 1830 the capital moved from Wanayasa to Sindangkasih, later given the name "Purwakarta" which means Purwa: beginning, Djakarta: lively / alive. Inaugurated by besluit (decree) colonial government (Governor General of Dutch East Indies) dated July 20, 1831 No. 2.
However, Sindangkasih name remained in use, namely as a district in the capital city (now the name of the village). The decision on granting Purwakarta name for the new capital was published in the Karawang regency government newspaper, Javasche Courant number 97 which was published Tuesday, August 16, 1831 as follows: "Door den Gouverneur General in Rade, is bepaald dat de hoofdplaats de Assistant-residentie Karawang, voortan Poerwakarta den naam "(" Governor-General has determined that since that time the capital of Afdeling / Purwakarta, Karawang regency named ").
The decree is the primary source of accurate and formal and juridical meaning. Therefore, dated July 20, 1831 is a historical fact about the founding of the city / place called Purwakarta. Momentum is what later became the basis of the Day which is commemorated each year Purwakarta.
Why the new capital was named Purwakarta? Regarding the origin and meaning of the name Purwakarta also there are several versions. Common version states that the name is derived from the prototype and Djakarta in Sanskrit language. Purwa means the first, Djakarta means secure peaceful and orderly or crowded. But the explanation of the meaning of both words are different from one version to another version. There are versions that connect meaning Purwakarta by Macao Chinese war. Another version connects the word with the name Purbasari, one adviser / trust Regent RA Suriawinata a big role in finding a place for new capital Karawang regency. According to that version, the word comes from the ancient prototype, the name of the front of Purbasari. Which version of the most close to the truth, require research in particular.
Since it began the construction of physical infrastructure, especially in the field, among others, with marshes disposal to manufacture Situ Buleud, Making Residency Building, Hall, Great Mosque, Tangsi Army in Ceplak, including making Solokan Gede, Rice was a relief and Situ Kamojing. Development continued until the next Regents of government.

• Post-Independence
Regional Distribution of Government From the Year 1945-1999
Karawang regency with its capital in Purwakarta runs until 1949. On January 29, 1949 with the Decree of the State Guardian Pasundan Number 12, split two namely Kabuapten Falkirk East Falkirk became the capital city of Purwakarta Regency Subang and Karawang in West Part Karawang regency. Under Law No. 14 of 1950, concerning establishment of districts in West Java environment, then set determination Purwakarta Regency, with the capital city of Purwakarta, Subang covering Kewedanaan, Sagalaherang, Pamanukan, Ciasem and Purwakarta.
In 1968, under Law No. 4 of 1968 on the Establishment of Purwakarta and Subang Regency Regency SK Wali Affairs Pasundan revamped and set formation by Region Kewedanaan Purwakarta Regency, Purwakarta added with each of the two villages of Karawang and Cianjur regency. So in 1968 Kabuapten Purwakarta has only 4 districts, namely Sub Purwakarta, Plered, Wanayasa and Campaka with a total of 70 rural villages. To further carried out the arrangement of the village, villages, establishment and improvement of the status Kemantren Kemantren become an independent district. So when it Purwakarta Regency has an area: 183 villages, 9 villages, 8 kamantren and 11 districts.
Based on the development of Purwakarta Regency, in 1989 has issued the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 821.26-672 dated August 29, 1989 on the birth of a new institution called the Work Area Regional Vice Regent Purwakarta Purwakarta Purwakarta district that includes Region, District Jatiluhur, District Campaka, Representative Sub Cibungur the central position of Vice Regent was in Purwakarta Purwakarta. Meanwhile, Vice Regent of the working area covers an area of ​​Sub Area Plered Plered, Darangdan District, District Tegalwaru, Maniis District, District Sukatani the central position of Vice Regent was in Plered Purwakarta. Maid working area that includes Regent Area Wanayasa Wanayasa District, District Pasawahan, Bojong District, Representative District Kiarapedes, Margasari District Representative, and Representative District Parakansalam the central position of Vice Regent Purwakarta Wanayasa Region are in Wanayasa which was inaugurated on January 31, 1990 by stairs Vice Governor of West Java.
After the enactment of Law no. 22 of 1999 on Regional Government, and the commencement of the implementation of Regional Autonomy in Purwakarta Regency exactly on January 1, 2001. And through Regional Regulation No. 22 of 2001, there have been restructuring the organization of government in Purwakarta Regency. Total Office Office as 18, 3 and 3 Office Agency and the District amounted to 17 pieces, District 9 units and 183 village units.

History Principals
I.        The Regent which is located in Karawang Karawang

1.       Year 1633 – 1679
Penembahan Singaperbangsa / Duke Kertabumi IV / grandparent gig, based in manly workable medication as Regent of the First-manly workable medication who pioneered the establishment of the city Kerawang
2.      Year 1679 – 1721  
R. Anom Wirasuta / RAA Panatayuda I, who moved the capital to Falkirk. (Regent II)
3.      Year 1721 – 1732  
Rd. Jayanagara / RA Panatayuda II (Regent III), later known as “Waru Panembahan Middle “
4.      Year 1732 – 1752  
R. Singanagara / RA Panatayuda III (Regents IV) Raden Martanegara eyebrows, known by the nickname “Waru Panembahan Ilir “.
5.      Year 1752 – 1786
R. Moh Soleh aka Raden Muhammad Zainal Abidin / RA Panatayuda IV (Regent V), known by the nickname "dalem Balloons 'or' palace Sorambi".
6.      Year 1786 – 1809  
RAA Singasari Panatayuda (Regent VI), known by the nickname "Panembahan Singasari" and "chaplain Sepuh".
7.      Year 1811 – 1813
RA Suriadilaga (Regent VII), known as the "palace talun".
8.      Year 1813 – 1820  
Sastradipura RA (Regent VIII)
II.      The Regent Karawang, located in Purwakarta

Period Wanayasa

1.       Year 1821 – 1828  
RA Surianata / Dalem Pupils, who set the capital on Wanayasa, then died and was buried in the middle Situ Wanayasa (Regent IX / I)
2.       Year 1829 – 1830  
RA Suriawinata or Dalem Sholawat who moved the capital from Wanayasa to Sindangkasih and then give the name of Purwakarta (Regent X / II).
Period Purwakarta
1.      Year 1830 – 1849
RA Suriawinata or Dalem Sholawat. He is pioneering the development of Purwakarta town.
2.      Year 1849 – 1854  
R. Sastranegara / R. Moch. Enoch (Regent XI / III). Buried in the back of the Great Mosque Purwakarta
3.      Year 1854 – 1863  
RAA Sastradiningrat I / Uyang Ayim who built the pavilion district, Great Mosque and Situ Buleud (Regent XII / IV)
4.      Year 1863 – 1886  
RAA Sastradiningrat II (Regent XIII / V), dubbed as "Dalem Stars."
5.      Year 1886 – 1911  
R. Suriakusumah / RAA Sastradiningrat III (Regents XIV / VI)
6.      Year 1911 – 1925  
Gandanegara RA, the last descendant Singaperbangsa Regents (Regents XV / VII). He was the last regent Singaperbangsa descent. He is buried in the back of the grand mosque in Purwakarta.
7.      Year 1925 – 1942  
Suriamiharja / Duke Sangsakuning, Regent of the last before the Japanese occupation (Regent XVI / VIII)
8.      Year 1942 – 1945  
R. Pandasuriadiningrat / Konco Regent XVII / IX, during the Japanese occupation

III.    The Regent which is located in Subang, Purwakarta

1.      Year 1945 – 1948  
R. Juarsa, Regent Karawang XVIII / X and then evacuate the capital to Subang.
2.      Year 1947 – 1948
Dual Wikrama Danta (Regent Emergency Government RI East Falkirk)
3.      Year 1948 – 1949  
R. Ateng Supraja (Regent Recomba, oversees the areas of ex-East Falkirk)
4.       Year 1948 – 1950  
R. Sunarya Ronggowaluyo, Regent RI
5.      Year 1949 – 1950  
RM. Hasan Suria Sacakusuma, Regent Recomba II (the State Regents Pasundan / RIS)

List of Purwakarta Regency Regent (Period Subang)

1.      Year 1950 – 1958
RPS. Hadipranata, Bupati Kab. Purwakarta I based on Law no. 14 year 1950, while based in Subang (Regent Purwakarta I)
2.      Year 1958 – 1959
 AD Tanu Gandawidijaja, Acting Regent (Regent II). He is a regent in the sense of local leaders, elected by parliament
3.      Year 1959 – 1966  
Tb. Mochamad Hasan Sutawinangun (Regent III)
4.      Year 1966 – 1968
Lieutenant Colonel. RHA Samsudin, Bupati Purwakarta IV, later became the Regent Subang I.

IV.   The Regent, located in Purwakarta Purwakarta

1.      Year 1968 – 1969
RH. Sunaryo. Ronggowaluyo, Regent (Regent V / I). Inauguration along with the inauguration of the formation of new Purwakarta Regency, Purwakarta capital
2.       Year 1969 – 1979
Col. Inf. RA. Muchtar (Regent VI / I)
3.      Year 1979 – 1980  
Col. Inf. RHA. Abubakar, Acting Resident concurrently Regents Region IV (Regent VII / III)
4.      Year 1980 – 1982  
Lieutenant Colonel. AU. Drs. Mukdas Dasuki (Head VIII / IV)
5.      Year 1982 – 1983  
Kol.Inf. (Ret.) RHA Abubakar reappointed as Acting Head Assistant Governor Region IV doubles / Ka. Itwil Province (Regent IX / V)
6.      Year 1983 – 1988  
Drs. H. Soedarna TM, SH as the District, located in Purwakarta Purwakarta. Regent Regent VI or X since Purwakarta Purwakarta Regency is located in Subang.
7.      Year 1988 – 1993  
Drs. H. Soedarna TM, SH as the District VII Purwakarta a second time.
8.      Year 1993 – 2003  
Drs. H. Bunyamin Dudih, SH, served as regent Purwakarta VIII. (Twice the term of office / two periods)
9.      Year 2003 – 2007  
Drs. H. Lily Hambali Hasan, M.Sc. Appointed as the District IX Purwakarta. (For the first time, has the Vice Regent, namely H. Dedi Mulyadi, SH)
10.   Year 2007 – Now
H. Dedi Mulyadi, SH. Served as Regent Purwakarta X. Vice Regent, Drs. H. Dudung B. Supardi.