Purwakarta Tradisional Kuliner is held on September 17, 2011, in order to commemorate the anniversary 66th Indonesia National Army. Purwakarta Tradisional Kuliner opened by Purwakarta Regent H. Dedi Mulyadi, SH and the scissors tape by Dandim Purwakarta.
Purwakarta Regent |
In his speech, Purwakarta Regent said will make Purwakarta most famous by Indonesia Citizen. In each region on Indonesia surely there are uniqueness and peculiarities that make that region famous, like Bali with the culture, Bandung with the fashion.
Stand Surabi Syahrini |
Actually Purwakarta culinary was famous, like sate maranggi Cibungur or fried chicken Sajolna, so Purwakarta regent want Purwakarta culinary most famous again with placed Purwakarta peculiarities culinary in one location who affordable by the community is in front of Gedung Kembar Nakula Sadewa.