Tuesday, July 26, 2011

History of Situ Buleud

Situ with 4 hectare is located in middle town or point zero kilometers Purwakarta. When Purwakara  was still wilderness, the Situ be trusted as the place “Pangguyangan” (wallow) rhino who came from Simpeureun and Cikumpay.

Situ is located in Kelurahan Nagri Kidul, Kecamatan Purwakarta or around 1 kilometer at east alun-alun. Because it shape is circle, the Situ was called Situ Buleud by people around.

Development of Purwakara be capital of Keresidenan Karawang at period 1830-1942 associated with the Situ. Suriawinata 1 Regent or Dalem Sholawat (1827 – 1930) who ordered the Situ repaired. In the improvement, drainage system was built for supply and drainage. In the center of Situ was built  artificial island with pendapa (pesangrahan) on it. While in the Situ edge was created a European style park planted with trees.

A number of city infrastructure was built around Situ, like building, residen, military barrack, market, settlement and train station. Consequently the Situ is located in heart of purwakarta and be symbol of city.

Monday, July 25, 2011

History of Gedung Kembar

Gedung Kembar is the  people designation for two buildings located at Jalan Kornel Singawinata, Kelurahan Negeri Kidul, Kecamatan Purwakarta. Called Gedung Kembar because these buildings have same shape and are located side by side, like a gate.

The both buildings are estimated to set up in second half of the 19th century after Purwakarta become capital of Keresidenan Karawang in 1854. Buildings a European arcitechture style created by initiative goverment Keresidenan. And the main function of this both buildings in the Dutch East Indies not know sure. However, the two buildings is alleged is a gateway to train station. 

In the architechture of urban development, gedung kembar become a gate of neighborhood. These buildings seem to be an introduction into environment further and play an important role in one area to distinguish the inner and outer region.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the north building is the shoe shop “Janam” owned by entrepreneur china. At that time, the largest shoe store in Purwakarta. While during the Japanese occupation, the south building is the store's portrait of Japan. Then in the revolution, the north building functioned as the headquarters BKR (People's Safety Agency).

Furthermore, the Gedung Kembar a few times switching functions, among others, the store and the secretariat of the cooperative. Years 1985-1987, the north office become Purwakarta Sector Police Office, the office with some journalists and community organizations. Currently  Gedung Kembar have been renovated and named by Regent Purwakarta H. Dedi Mulyadi as Gedung Kembar Nakula-Sadewa. Serves as the library offices and government offices.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Purwakarta District Sekretary ( Sekretaris Daerah Purwakarta )

This is the first secretary of purwakarta region until now :

1. Drs. Rd. Entang Muchtar, the first Purwakarta District Secretary

2. Drs. Atang Rasyid, the second Purwakarta District Secretary

3. Drs. H. Suing Sasmita, the third Purwakarta District Secretary

4. H. Memet Hamdan, SH, M.Sc., the fourth Purwakarta District Secretary ( 1995 - 1999 )

5. Drs. H. Lili Hambali Hasan, the fifth Purwakarta District Secretary ( 1999 - 2003 )

6. Drs. H. Rachmat Gartiwa, MM. , the sixth Purwakarta District Secretary ( 2003 - 2004 )

7. Drs. H. Dudung B Supardi, MM., the seventh Purwakarta District Secretary ( 2004 - 2008 )

8. Drs. H. Maman Rosama KM, MM., the eighth Puwakarta District Secretary ( 2008 - 2009 )

9. Drs. H. Hamim Mulyana, M.Si. the ninth Purwakarta District Secretary ( 2009 - now )

Friday, July 22, 2011

Purwakarta Hitam Putih Festival Season 2 ( Final )

Purwakarta Hitam Putih Festival was celebrated on 16 july 2011 at 07.30 p.m in order  anniversary180th  Purwakarta and anniversary 43rd Kab. Purwakarta, this event is opened by Purwakarta Regent H. Dedi Mulyadi, SH.

Purwakarta Hitam Putih Festival was begin by cavalcade by horsemen who is led by Purwakarta Regent, H. Dedi Mulyadi, SH. Then continued by kereta kencana, cavalcade tumpeung and the last is performing arts of Java Bali.

Eighth : Saung-saungan from Karawang

Ninth : Kuda Renggong from Sumedang


Tenth : Barongsai with musik dangdut and Sisingaan from Cirebon
Purwakarta Regent

Eleventh : Reog Ponorogo from Ponorogo
Twelfth : Wayang Orang from Jogjakarta

Thirteenth : Singadepok from Subang

Fourteenth : Wayang Golek from Bandung

Happy Anniversary Purwakarta, Digjaya Purwakarta. . .

Thursday, July 21, 2011

History of Railway Station of Purwakarta

Gate of Purwakarta Station
Railway station of Purwakarta is located on jalan Kornel Singawinata No.1 Kecamatan Purwakarta. This station was built in 1902, along with the construction of new railway line from batavia (now jakarta) - bandung, the this new pathway through the cikampek – purwakarta.

Construction of this new pathway to accelerate time train trip from Batavia to Bandung is only 2.45 hours. Previously, the rail transportation route through the Bogor and Cianjur, was inaugurated on 17 May 1884 takes several hours longer.

Rail transportation when it's not just for those Europeans, but indigenous people can use them. At the beginning of transportation is operated, ie at the beginning of the 20th century, the passenger fare is 1.2 cents per-person perkilometer for class I, 1.9 cents for class II and 3 cents for class III.

The distance or long of railway line from Purwakarta to batavia is 103.06 kilometers, while the distance from Purwakarta to Bandung is 70.62 kilometers. Means at the beginning of the operation of passenger trains tariff of class III from Batavia to Purwakarta is 3:09 guilders, while Purwakarta – Bandung around 2,12 guilders.

In the Dutch colonial period, the existence of these stations are able to increase the mobility of economic and trade areas in Purwakarta, making the area more open and developed into the city center.

At the revolution, the railway station is a place of war, guarded by the army of the people. Aside from being a warrior means of mobility, the railway also brings logistical materials and weapons of war.

My Fotografi Season II

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

There Are Something Unique in Pekan Raya Purwakarta

Agriculture Tools
Wooden Spoons
Michael Jackson

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pekan Raya Purwakarta

Pekan raya purwakarta is one of part from purwakarta hitam putih festival held in order anniversary 180 purwakarta, and anniversary 43  Purwakarta district.
Gate of Pekan Raya Purwakarta

Stand of Purwakarta Regent (1)

Stand of Purwakarta Regent (2)

Stand of Purwakarta Regent (3)
This event was opened on 13 july 2011 by purwakarta regent H. Dedi Mulyadi, SH until 20 july 2011. This event always held every years. There are different for pekan raya purwakarta this year, usually  pekan raya purwakarta always followed by trader, but this years followed by government office and existing  company in purwakarta.