Monday, July 25, 2011

History of Gedung Kembar

Gedung Kembar is the  people designation for two buildings located at Jalan Kornel Singawinata, Kelurahan Negeri Kidul, Kecamatan Purwakarta. Called Gedung Kembar because these buildings have same shape and are located side by side, like a gate.

The both buildings are estimated to set up in second half of the 19th century after Purwakarta become capital of Keresidenan Karawang in 1854. Buildings a European arcitechture style created by initiative goverment Keresidenan. And the main function of this both buildings in the Dutch East Indies not know sure. However, the two buildings is alleged is a gateway to train station. 

In the architechture of urban development, gedung kembar become a gate of neighborhood. These buildings seem to be an introduction into environment further and play an important role in one area to distinguish the inner and outer region.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the north building is the shoe shop “Janam” owned by entrepreneur china. At that time, the largest shoe store in Purwakarta. While during the Japanese occupation, the south building is the store's portrait of Japan. Then in the revolution, the north building functioned as the headquarters BKR (People's Safety Agency).

Furthermore, the Gedung Kembar a few times switching functions, among others, the store and the secretariat of the cooperative. Years 1985-1987, the north office become Purwakarta Sector Police Office, the office with some journalists and community organizations. Currently  Gedung Kembar have been renovated and named by Regent Purwakarta H. Dedi Mulyadi as Gedung Kembar Nakula-Sadewa. Serves as the library offices and government offices.

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