Tuesday, July 26, 2011

History of Situ Buleud

Situ with 4 hectare is located in middle town or point zero kilometers Purwakarta. When Purwakara  was still wilderness, the Situ be trusted as the place “Pangguyangan” (wallow) rhino who came from Simpeureun and Cikumpay.

Situ is located in Kelurahan Nagri Kidul, Kecamatan Purwakarta or around 1 kilometer at east alun-alun. Because it shape is circle, the Situ was called Situ Buleud by people around.

Development of Purwakara be capital of Keresidenan Karawang at period 1830-1942 associated with the Situ. Suriawinata 1 Regent or Dalem Sholawat (1827 – 1930) who ordered the Situ repaired. In the improvement, drainage system was built for supply and drainage. In the center of Situ was built  artificial island with pendapa (pesangrahan) on it. While in the Situ edge was created a European style park planted with trees.

A number of city infrastructure was built around Situ, like building, residen, military barrack, market, settlement and train station. Consequently the Situ is located in heart of purwakarta and be symbol of city.

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